Owens Wedding || Williamsburg Winery

Williamsburg Winery in Virginia • Charlotte, NC Wedding Photographer

Tiffany and Josh are some of the more genuine, heartfelt people I have ever met, not to mention the coolest. They first crossed paths years ago in airforce survival trailing camp, and they continued to be placed in missions and events together. Finally, Tiffany agreed to go out with him. The rest was history. These two have been to every single continent. They run marathons and travel and have two beautiful dogs. Tiffany and Josh have a spice for life which is so apparent in every interaction they have together that I have witnessed.

It was such a joy that they chose me to be their wedding photographer. I am a Charlotte NC-based photographer, but for them, I traveled up to Williamsburg, Virginia, to the Williamsburg winery. The wedding was such a perfect warm day in November. After a harvest, the winery was in its glory, and all their loved ones were there to celebrate.


Before The Wedding


The Portraits


All content and images in this Williamsburg Virginia Winery post are copyright of Vanessa Venable Photography, a Charlotte, NC wedding photographer, and can not be used or reproduced without exclusive permission.

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